DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Making Playdaugh


Students will:

Look for and make use of structure


Measurement and Date

Describe and compare measurable attributes.



Physical: Children will be able to develop fine motor skills by holding a spoon, pouring the flour, salt and by making a balance.



Intellectual: Children will be able to read the chart and know what comes next. They will learn how to make playdaugh.



Emotional/Social: Children will be able to enjoy the activity and express themselves more.



Materials and Set-up: (use the back of this paper or an additional sheet)

List everything you will need. Describe where the lesson will take place and the physical set up, including seating arrangement, arrangement of materials, etc.


I will need; flour, salt, oil, water and food coloring. Also I will need a measuring cup, measuring spoon and a bowl. This activity will take place on the table with children sitting around.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.