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Author: Olivia Chak 

Title: Puppets

Grade: 3rd

Time Allotted for Lesson: 30 minutes

                                             This lesson will be completed in one session.


Instructional Objectives:      

  1. Students will be shown different styles of puppet making.
  2. Will be able to have understanding of how to make a puppet.
  3. To be encouraged to use an emotion to create the puppet.


  1. emotions – (n.) an  affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, hate, fear, or the like, is experienced, as a distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.
  2. different – (adj.) not alike in character or quality.
  3. puppets – (n.) an artificial figure representing a human being or an animal, manipulated by the hand, rods, wires, etc., on a miniature stage.


  1. Visuals of different kinds of puppets
  2. Paper bag
  3. Markers
  4. Construction Paper
  5. Glue
  6. Color Pencils
  7. Glitter

Motivation: I will read a book to the students to help spark their interest.



  1. Why are puppets created?
  2. What kind of puppets have you seen?
  3. How will you create a puppet that represents how you feel?


  1. Pass around the visuals of the different types of puppets.
  2. Hand out paper bags.
  3. Have the students use a marker to write their name on it.
  4. Ask students to design a puppet that represents how they are feeling.
  5. Students will put their finished work on construction paper.
  6. Students will share the puppets they made with the class.

Student Evaluation: Evaluate the student’s progress.

  1. How is your puppet different?
  2. How do you tell the difference between each puppet?
  3. Why do you think we made puppets?

Extension Activities: Using the puppet that you made, create a story that brings your puppet to life.


Attach Visuals to the Lesson Plan: Show pictures of puppets that relate to the lesson.

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