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Melimaril Fernandez
Edc 20
Professor Hellman
26 February, 2013
                                  Forming a Philosophy of Education
1.     The purposes of early childhood education are to prepare the children for the upcoming years, to teach them how to interact with one another, also teach them the basics (ABC’s, 123’s) as they will need them throughout their entire life.
2.     The tone in the classroom and the way a child is treated affects her/his learning. The teacher sets an appropriate tone by speaking kindly, understanding each child as they are all different. Enforcing strict but fair rules and respecting the children.
3.     The curriculum (the topics taught) of any classroom should include certain “basics”. These basics include the alphabet, numbering, addition, subtraction.
4.     Children learn best in and environment (room) that promotes learning. The materials (supplies, toys, etc.) and physical features (type of furniture, room set-up, color, things displayed on the walls) of a good classroom environment are color coded tables, number mats, labels on each object, alphabet panels, and work that the children themselves have done. 
5.     All young children have certain needs that must be met in order for them to feel comfortable, grow and learn at their best. Some of these basic needs are attention, one on one time, an understanding voice and the feeling that they can trust the adult.
6.     A teacher should have certain qualities and behave in certain ways. Qualities I think are important for teaching are being well spoken and dressing appropriately.
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