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Article on “Children’s Outdoor Play & Learning Environments”


                   The article called “Children’s Outdoor Play and Learning Environments: Returning to Nature” is based on outdoor play and how the playground should be designed for children. Research said that “children preferences show that if children had the design skills, their creation would be completely different from adults”. Studies says “that the paradigm is to search through the catalogues of playground equipment” , so that children can enjoy recess. When a child has the opportunity to have free play outside they would enjoy coming to school whereas their sitting down in a classroom and be bored and not wanting to come to school. Also, there is a principle in early childhood education that children learn best through free play. However, a child’s free play is pleasurable, self-motivated and active. I personally think that a child’s free play is really needed because it can get children prepared on sharing with others with any type of equipment and learning how to share. Free play can also expand a child’s knowledge such as giving a child a hands-on activity to do. In this world today, children have more supervision and they are structured. Children that are in the grades K-2 mostly has free play, and after school if the child wants more free time to play then there parents would take them to the park.

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