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Log 3: Comparing behavior during use of materials

Record 2 children's behavior while using the same materials--the child 
you have chosen for another child in the class.

Consider the following when you observing both children: How do the 
children react stimulus for the activity?; Describe what the children 
do wit the material-do the children use the materials to represent 
something else ( symbolization); Non verbal behavior and body 
movements; Do they work quickly, spontaneously, carefully, 
cautiously... Are other children involved in this activity? If so,
how does your study child relate to them? What can you observe about his/her problem solving ability through his/her use of material? Describe the child work style? What does the child do when finished? What have you learned about the child you observed? Anastasia is very helpful in class. Sometimes the teacher assign mentorsto hand out materials and Anastasia really enjoys helping out. Anastasia
and another girl were handing out the "math 2 go" books to the children intheir class. When i was observing the two girls with the materials i saw how they both were communicating well with each other to see who was missingabook. The two girls went back to their seats to start their assignment.
When the assignment was given,Anastasia opened her book and began during her work in her math book. While watching the children at her table I saw how fast they worked while completing their math work. Anastasia and her classmates at her table like racing or copying each other work and they like to communicate with each other while they doing their work. Since my study child struggles sometimes with her work due to communicating with the other girls at her table, she does tries to complete her assignment but its a little difficult because she not focusing.
  When Anastaisa was done with her assignments. She turns to a children 
which was her friend who sits at  Her table and distracts them by
communicating with them. When Anastasia was done withHer work she would
ask one of her friends at her table to see if they needhelp,And if they
do she does the work for them so that they would be able to talk together.
   Since working at P.S 215 I started to see how my study child Anastasia is a very bright child and also very smart, but sonetimes get distracted 
with having her friends sitting at the same table as she.Not only does
she rush her work so that she be able to talk, but she intrupts her
classmates while they are working.


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