DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Chauntele Jefferson

2.Age range of the children: 4&5 kindergarten
3.Place of the lesson: A empty classroom
*Quiet area, a small group of children, the book: The tiny seed, construction paper and crayons. 
5. Read aloud( Literacy)
*They will become familiar with the parts of a plant and learn how each part works to produce a healthy plant.
physically-will develop the ability to use their motor skills within the activity. 
Intellectually-the children will develop language and different vocabulary words and the Five seasons. 
Emotionally- the children will develop a better self-esteem and have more confidence in themselves. 
Socially-  will be able to communicate with their peers about how plants grow.
Common core standard: Reading and Speaking standard K-12, and Literacy standard K-12
6. Step 1: Gather a small group of kids.
    Step 2: Walk the children to the classroom where the activity going to be taking place.
7. Step 1: Have the children sit down on the rug quietly with their legs floded for the read aloud activity.  
Step 2: Introduce the book by reading the title and cover of The tiny seed by Eric Carle, and front and back of the book.
Step 3: Ask the children what are the five seasons?
Step 4: Start reading the book and showing the pictures throughout the book. 
Step 5: End the read aloud by asking  the  children "How plants  grow?"
8.What are the Five season?
    How plants grow?
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.